WHAT-IS: "Arranged by artists, We Are Indie Toys! by Louis Bou is the most creative book of its kind available. From toy sketches to final design layouts and finished products, each resin toy design featured in the book provides instructions on how to create and personalize it. Toy designers and artists included in We Are Indie Toys! reveal why toys are so fun to create, how they have personalized their designs, and what suggestions they have for new toy makers. Some of the artists featured are Jon Knox, Paul Shih, Bwana Spoons, Franken Factory, and many more!"Shown below are pages featuring works from Jon Knox! Launched February 25 by Publisher: Harper Design, find out more about the 208-page book on www.harpercollins.com, and check in with your fav retailers to stock this.

(Cheers for the headsup, Christine)